Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Introduction (Part Two)

If I had another go at introducing myself, I probably would have talked more about the experiences of being an introvert. As a writer, or at least an aspiring one, I’m of two minds about this sort of disposition. On one hand, it is wonderful to drift off between a pair of headphones and a computer screen, not interacting with anybody or anything more than I have to while typing away at a new story or an old story or whatever else I’m working on at the moment. On the other hand, I’ve become increasingly more aware of the “off” time that still goes into the creation process. Specifically, I mean interacting with readers.

Horror stories have been written about this. Harlan Ellison wrote a particularly vivid one involving a cup of someone’s vomit. Hell, Stephen King’s Misery is a case study in poor reader interaction. But those are obviously extremes. I’m more worried about lines upon lines of people all wanting to speak with me on a one-on-one fashion.

I remember all the author signings I’ve been to, and all the different ways artists have interacted with me. Most of them just signed the book and waved me on, but that’s a little too spartan for me. Others spoke individually with each and every person who came up. And that has to be exhausting for them too, right? Ignoring the physical strain of sitting one moment then getting up for a picture, or even injuring your wrist from the strain, isn’t that tiresome to ask the same questions over and over to each and every person that comes up?

I don’t know. These aren’t questions you’re supposed to ask until you have something to show for it. But it’s still something I think about, right before I plug back in and go back to sculpting my own little world.


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