Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Blue Monday

I found out today that yesterday, in addition to being Martin Luther King Jr. Remembrance Day, it's also called "Blue Monday," which is not something I'd associated with an actual day before. I'd just always thought of it as that New Order song (or, more specifically, it's iconic bassline). I guess I can understand nobody in the US really talking about it when there's a whole other holiday with some pretty necessary themes involved.

I'm imagining somebody telling MLK, like, "Hey, when you die, they'll make a holiday after you, but it's going to be on the day that's regarded as 'the most depressing day of the year.'"

Anyway, it's never too late to reflect on the life of an important political activist and speaker or the events of or stemming from their life. At the very least, if thinking about one's own racial biases is too much self-reflection, you can ask people how it feels when they treat you like they do.


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