I never was much for New Year’s Resolutions. Like, sure, I understand the appeal -- the drive ever-towards self-improvement is an admirable one even if the stereotype is that these things never make it past the thirty-day mark -- but I’ve slowly developed a “Why wait for the new year when you could do it now?” sort of mentality. It doesn’t always work -- I still procrastinate more than I probably should -- and maybe it takes the fun out of some traditions, but it has served me well enough.
What I do do sometimes, then, is use the turning of the calendar to institute challenges to myself. Four years or so ago, I made this whole plan for cutting soda out of my diet, basically daring myself to not drink it. And yeah, the mechanics of that are remarkably similar to, you know, normal resolutions, but I find the slight mentality difference works better for what I try to use these for.
This year, the dare was to have a pair of brother-blogs, this one and Secret Asian Man, each one posting weekly. And for the most part? I think it worked! It definitely helped keep both of us honest, and I did learn a lot about what I do like to write about: spreading the word on things I like and complaining a whole lot about things (read: work) that I don’t, with a hint of writing about writing and maybe an honest-to-god story in there somewhere too. Overall, I thought it was a lot of fun!
So what’s next? Well, I guess I have a week to think over and finalize what next year’s challenge to myself should be. And maybe I won’t manage it. I can already see how parts of next year might pose a challenge. Hopefully, it’ll be the type of challenge I enjoy doing.
In the meantime, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and I’ll see you next week.
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